What do agency executives expect from 2023?

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What do agency executives expect from 2023?

Although they are optimistic, professionals said that the new facts cause apprehension

Everything is new: the year, the government, the Covid-19 strain, war, disunity, the falling Chinese and American economies… Let there be breath for so many novelties and tensions. But advertising agencies are optimistic, with a certain amount of caution, which doesn’t hurt anyone.

The fact that 2023 is a box of surprises. Just for a change, the communication industry, as well as the market in general, must suffer from ups and downs. But he looks like it’s going to be a big year. See below some of the testimonials and impressions of leaders of some advertising agencies read the full version here.

2 Marcio Oliveira
The perspectives for 2023 are good, however, with a lot of attention. From the war between Russia and Ukraine, to inflation in the United States and layoffs in big techs, all of this directly affects the production and consumption chain and, consequently, the communication market. Besides, we still have Covid-19. And, in Brazil, there is a new government that starts now. Therefore, I think we will have a tougher situation and with more direct consequences in our segment. The balance between retaining and engaging existing consumers with going after new ones could be a good strategy for this year. Marcio Oliveira, SVP, managing director of R/GA Brazil
1 Fernando Taralli VML R
My optimism look cautiously. For VMLY&R, it will be time to invest in new segments, after two years of a merger and consolidation process that proved to be very successful. Regarding the market as a whole, I think it’s important to measure different factors. After the elections, which reaffirmed the division that exists in Brazil, we will begin 2023 with a new government whose mission is to unify the country and strengthen the economy’s growth rates. At the same time, we need to be aware of the effects of the slowdown in the Chinese and American economies. Fernando Taralli, CEO of VMLY&R Brasil and chief integration officer of VMLY&R Latam
3 Edu Simon galeria
We are optimistic about the prospects for 2023, both from the point of view of the direction of the Brazilian economy, and from the institutional point of view of Galeria.ag. In addition to continuing to contribute to the growth of our clients’ businesses, our goal is to improve our corporate culture, conquer brands in sectors we still do not serve, and also lead a movement to review the governance of the Brazilian advertising market and relationships with brands. . We want to print and revalue a Brazilian model, which unites creativity, innovation and performance in media, which is considered a reference. Eduardo Simon, CEO of Galeria.ag
28 priscila telles grey
The economy and advertising are 100% related. As the forecast for 2023 is challenging, the responsibility of brands and agencies is even greater. It is our duty to go further, and to show the purpose of companies and their role as agents of transformation in society. In my view, communication will be more and more personalized every day. We are impacted daily with an absurd volume of information, our goal here at Gray is to bring relevant stories into people’s lives so that they interact naturally with our brands and products. Priscilla Telles, head of business at Gray Brasil
4 Jose Lopes CGO AlmapBBDO
The scenario remains challenging. Inflation, European tension, energy issue. Here, the new government needs to continue signaling fiscal responsibility (tax reform and a new fiscal framework can help). And the already announced media regulation deserves attention. But caution does not mean inertia. The most important thing is to understand that, in this context, partnerships will be fundamental. There is no formula for success. Success passes through the best partnerships. Partnerships that bring the truth of brands closer to everything that drives consumers. May they have the best reading of the moment and translate this into relevant insights. Jos Lopes, chief growth officer da AlmapBBDO
5 AndreFranca1 mccann
The world is still suffering the consequences of a global crisis and we understand that recovery will be a medium-term process. Even so, we are optimistic about 2023, as we see brands understanding this scenario as an opportunity to play a significant role in people’s lives. In the era of consumer hyperconvenience, agencies tend to focus their efforts on creating strategies that favor the consumer’s unique journey. To this end, investments in omnichannel and personalization of the consumer experience should grow, based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the intersection of 1st and 3rd Party Data. Andr Frana, president from WMcCann
26 Brisa Vicente da Soko
Continue permeating our deliveries in earned first thinking and addressing the challenges of generating relevance for the audience and consumer, making the investment in communication worth more. With such a fragmented scenario of narratives, our role is to understand how we can build bridges between the audience and companies, permeating authenticity and purpose. The vision of generating conversations and spontaneous media, based on content that is relevant and delivers value to the consumer, must emerge in a scenario of ROI and efficiency challenges. In addition, we expect to see an even greater increase in ESG and diversity, which have been assumptions for us since day 1. Brisa Vicente, COO da Soko

(Credit: Moritz Knringer on Unsplash)

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