“NFL in Brasa” will take place in So Paulo, on the 11th and 12th of February, and will feature sporting, gastronomic and musical experiences.
The NFL will bring the Super Bowl atmosphere to Brazilian American football fans at the “NFL in Brasa” event, which will take place on February 11th and 12th.
The event, which will be held at Komplexo Tempo, in So Paulo, will feature sports, gastronomic and musical experiences, in addition to bringing to Brazil the concept tailgatetraditional in US studies.
“NFL in Brasa” is signed by Effect Sports, the agency responsible for the league in Brazil, and is sponsored by Old Parr, Diageo’s whiskey brand, which will have a place with bars for the event’s public.
Since the beginning of our work with the NFL, in 2015, we have always observed that there is much in common in American and Brazilian culture in watching football, and one of these links is precisely the barbecue with friends. For this reason, we created NFL in Brasa for Brazilian fans, the first major league event aimed at the country. It will be two days of many activities, with Super Bowl LVII on a huge screen as the highlight, completing the experience, explained the CEO of Effect Sport, Pedro Rego Monteiro.