What skills should the publicist of the future have?

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What skills should the publicist of the future have?

On Advertising Day, celebrated this Wednesday (1), creatives from some of the main agencies in the country said what this professional needs to have (and be)

This Wednesday (1), the day advertising is celebrated, PROPMARK asked: what will this professional need from now on? And the answers, coming from some of the main players in the market, could not fail to contemplate technology, of course, but also the human side of the profession.

“Human beings evolve in complexity. Understanding is more than seeing data and research”, said Flavio Waiteman, from Tech and Soul. Mariana S, from WMcCann, stated that ‘technology is a means and creativity is how to find innovative and efficient solutions for our clients’ business challenges’.

See all testimonials below:

“Soft skills. Considering that the advertising skill (talent, dedication and technique) is a commodity, what we evolved in soft. Today we celebrate the ability to unite teams, get the best out of each one, making everyone become part of the solution. The old one caricature of competitive publicity comes out and collaborative comes in. In the future, we will also exercise even more our cultural intelligence, the ability to follow and anticipate trends in a global way. We will be even more diverse, humane, adaptable and flexible” Laura Esteves, Creative VP at DM9
Tech and Soul Flavio Waiteman 2 2
The competences for the ideal performance profile are already all related to one purpose: people. Those who better know people, collectives, bubbles and behaviors and stimuli will be better able to succeed professionally. The competencies are: Anthropology, Sociology, Compliance and Craft. The books about the human being in post-truth society, as part of a group, or part of a bubble, have not even been written. And they need to be. The human being evolves in complexity. Understanding it is more than looking at data and research. Compliance in content financing. We have seen how much hate and fake news bring profit to a few companies. And all this financed with advertising money that should be building something. And finally, Craft. This competence needs to be valued by the industry, as the audience is rapidly evolving in increasingly better produced content. Cinema and streaming today have extreme quality. It is necessary that publicity accompanies in better ideas, scripts, etc. Flavio Waiteman, ski and CCO at Tech and Soul
2021.10.27 Retrato2939
“The professional needs to be willing to learn. What’s more, he has to be dynamic, hybrid, know how to adapt to adversity, have the ability to articulate, analytical thinking and flexibility. You need to study technology, data and algorithms even more so with so much free content on the internet. We have an increasingly complex consumer journey, which needs to be mapped in 360 to achieve the desired results. I believe that data makes us increasingly assertive and innovative, technology a means and creativity how to find innovative and efficient solutions to our clients’ business challenges. Creativity will always have the power to transform stories and make them exciting and engaging” Mariana S, CCO and WMcCann
S 59 1
“I believe that strong concepts and ideas will always prevail, regardless of the means we use to communicate. I like to think of technology as another language we have to tell great stories, to explore creativity, in addition to being an infinite tool; that’s why it’s fundamental going deeper and deeper. But although this tool is currently one of the main streams of information and discoveries, advertising will never be just that. We are communicators, even before the need to use it, so I believe that we must never forget the principles of our profession” Samir Mesquita, Executive Creative Director at Ogilvy Brasil
“The publicist of the future is no longer so much of the future. He is already present. To be a good professional today, you need some ingredients that I consider fundamental, such as a focus on technology, content, culture and data. In technology, you need to know what the new that are about to revolutionize our market? AI, for example, is one of them. Speaking of culture and content, we need to be aware of culture 24/7 to be relevant and constantly seek new ways to connect with our target through content. And, finally, I believe that one of the engines of communication is data. However, a present/future professional must understand this information and apply it to projects in a strategic and creative way, in addition to masterfully directing clients’ investments so that this happens. generate more business” Mauro Ramalho, CCO at Publicis
Ligia Mendes grande
“In advertising, we are always experiencing changing scenarios to adapt to new languages, behaviors, cultures, generations… Today, in addition to these, we need to adapt to new formats and digital media that emerge all the time and that result in new forms of consuming content. Today or 20 years from now. What changes, in my opinion, is that this gaze will be increasingly connected to technology and the digital environment, not only as a means of consumption, but also as a generator of content” Ligia Mendes, creative experience director da Leo Burnett TM
Carolina Monterisi Head de Conte do da Fbiz 1
“I believe that, more and more, we need to bring a broader and more integrated vision to our clients’ projects. It is not about being a professional who does everything, but about being able to have a dialogue with the different areas – inside and outside of the agency -, with a look capable of connecting and going beyond its area of ​​expertise” Carolina Monterisi, Head of Content at Fbiz
Dark Kitchen Creatives Guilherme Jahara 1
“If we imagine, allied to this digital scenario, a market composed of a lot of execution via AI, I believe that the professionals who will make the most difference will be those with a more strategic and broad vision, who know how to connect the different issues of digital and technology and have the capacity to to identify where there are opportunities and differentiation. Execution is increasingly based on technology, but the strategic vision is more human. So, seniority can make even more difference. There is a ‘marzo’ of possibilities that, on the one hand help and accelerate business, on the other hand, they leave everything diffused and with doubts about where to go. We will be a compass and guide. Pointing out if we get more headwind or starboard, if it is better to anchor or open all the sails” Guilherme Jahara, scio and coCCO from Dark Kitchen Creatives
sabrinagahyva 01
“With Gen Z searching TikTok and Instagram instead of Google, ChatGPT reaching in a single day the number of users that Netflix took three and a half years to reach, and the wave of mass layoffs at BigTech, prove one thing: you can’t tell what’s coming. Therefore, talking about a professional of the future may not make sense, after all, there are several possible futures (in the plural). In this scenario, learning is the most valuable professional skill. The only way to navigate uncertainties stay open and curious” Sabrina Gahyva, Creative Director at Oliver
11 11 Renata Antunes
It is not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to change. Advertisers should be born with the mutation gene, but unfortunately this has not been the case. Much is said about technology as a constant threat to the profession. But technology is a very broad term and one that has been around for many decades. Our profession should be, par excellence, hybrid and avant-garde. And we should understand that each tool appears to optimize work, meeting the way people are living and consuming in the present time. Today, being a hybrid has to do with this power of adaptation, understanding, application. And not of being a handyman, a generalist. As creatives, we are artisans and we use many tools. And new technologies have to be some of them. Renata Antunes, partner and creative director at 11:11
Monkey land Saulo Sanchez 1
“Technologies change very quickly. People, very slowly. Advertisers must be up to date with the main forms of communication used by people, they must learn about communities on the Web3, artificial intelligence, new forms of content distribution, etc. ; but above above all, you must remember that your profession is about creating stories that move people. Regardless of the technology of the moment, there are incredible stories told literally millennia ago that impact people” Saulo Sanchez, partner and business director at Monkey-land
Marcelo Zampini 2
“The future is coming at an astonishing speed. This will require us to continue developing new digital skills, taking into account data analysis and skills in digital marketing and social media platforms. We will need to know how to organize and manage our time even better. time, in order to exist in a world where trends and new technologies will renew themselves at infinitely greater speeds. For those who already work with multidisciplinary teams, this is the future. Advertisers will also need to manage their ego in the face of the many marketing tools Artificial Intelligence that will still emerge. Those who manage to understand their true role in the context of creation and know how to use them ethically will do well. Creative capacity, the human eye and intuition will be even more valued” Marcelo Zampini, co-president and CCO from MeZA/1618

(Credit: Freepik)

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