Media group brings together publications to publicize the lack of access to water in the northeast region of Brazil
At the invitation of businessman Tico Sahyoun, the general director of Perfil Brasil, Luis Maluf, visited the hinterland of Alagoas and was faced with the reality that affects many Brazilian families: the lack of access to potable water.
“I had never seen this part of Brazil before, which I can call abandoned. I met families who are unable to meet their basic needs on a day-to-day basis due to the lack of water”, reports the director.
This is how Grupo Perfil took on the mission of communicating the Conectando Amor no Serto campaign, which aims to collect donations for the construction of cisterns in Mata Grande, in the backlands of Alagoas.
To boost donations and raise public awareness, Grupo Perfil gathered the strength and reach of its vehicles, such as Caras, Contigo! and AnaMaria, in order to transform the lives of families without access to potable water.
In addition to publications on the vehicles’ social networks, Susana Vieira, Kak and Cid Moreira are some of the celebrities who have committed themselves to the cause.
So far, 22 cisterns have been collected and the expectation is to get the value of 100 cisterns by mid-June.