Conar opens representation against Volkswagen campaign

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Conar opens representation against Volkswagen campaign

Representation will be judged in the coming weeks by one of the Chambers of the Ethics Council of the entity

This Monday (10th) Conar opened an ethical representation against the campaign VW Brasil 70: The new came again, made by AlmapBBDO, motivated by consumer complaints.

They question whether it is ethical or not to use a technological tool and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to bring a deceased person back to life to be examined in the light of the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code.

Additionally, still according to Conar, the possibility of such use causing confusion between fiction and reality for some people, mainly children and adolescents, is questioned.

The representation will be judged in the coming weeks by one of the Chambers of Conar’s Ethics Council, guaranteeing the right of defense to the advertiser and his agency. As a rule, the judgment is carried out approximately 45 days after the opening of the representation.

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