38% of Brazilians value brands that benefit the environment

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38% of Brazilians value brands that benefit the environment

Research carried out by Toluna points out general perceptions of several topics that affect the consumption

Toluna released the 23rd wave of the Barometer, a global survey carried out to detect general feelings and perceptions around various topics that affect consumption. The survey showed that Brazilians are increasingly concerned when it comes to brand behavior, concluding that 38% think it is very important to buy from brands that have policies that benefit the environment and society.

The survey also showed that 43% think it is very important to purchase from brands and companies that are aligned with their values. Brazilians also pay attention to the narratives that brands offer: 41% of survey respondents think it is extremely important to buy from companies that care about aligning their values ​​with those of society. 43% think it is very important that their own values ​​are in line with the values ​​of the brands from which they purchase products.

Toluna found that 27% of respondents also think it is extremely important to buy from brands that operate in countries that behave ethically.

The situation of the planet also worries consumers: 36% think it is very important to buy from brands and services that support environmental causes. And 46% believe it is extremely important that brands commit to reducing the use of plastic and paper in their packaging.

The Toluna Barmeter interviewed 1053 people (national representative sample) in September 2023.

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