Declaration seeks to establish transparent advertising practices
The advertising self-regulation entities of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Spain and the International Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Icas) – which promotes advertising self-regulation in the world and support the adoption of this system in countries that they do not yet have it, of which Conar is the founder – they signed the Declaration of Bogot and began a new chapter in Latin America.
The Bogot Declaration seeks to establish guidelines and principles that promote transparent, ethical and socially responsible advertising practices across all advertising sectors in Latin America.
The principles include a commitment to:
- Promote comprehensive and efficient self-regulatory systems that bring together all relevant actors in the advertising industry at a national level;
- Develop technological solutions to make advertising self-regulation more accessible, efficient and faster;
- Support the sector in its efforts to develop advertising that addresses issues of global interest, such as sustainability, diversity, social inclusion, equity, as well as serving as a driver of positive change;
- Seek, research and implement joint solutions to emerging challenges in Latin America in the field of advertising self-regulation;
- Commit to collaborating across the region to ensure all of the above objectives are met.
The Bogot Declaration also proposes the creation of a new Icas chapter in Latin America, which will function as a platform for Icas stakeholders in Latin America and Spain, including self-regulatory entities such as Conar, to exchange ideas and best practices in global and regional issues.
“Similar to the Icas Charter adopted by all our members in 2021, the Bogot Declaration sets out the goals of effective self-regulatory systems and we are delighted that it has also been signed by bodies that are not yet members of Icas. This enhanced collaboration between all self-regulatory entities of Latin America and Spain and Icas will lead to more meaningful discussions and more effective joint actions”, said Guy Parker, president of Icas.
At the meeting, Conar was represented by its executive vice-president, Juliana Albuquerque. “This meeting is a turning point to reestablish our regional cooperation, strengthen self-regulation systems in Latin American countries and generate tools for responsible advertising. We have major common objectives: to contribute to responsible and sustainable advertising and to the better implementation of standards of online advertising”, he declared.