Research carried out by SPUTNik follows decision-making in companies
The dynamics between different generations in the professional environment have been playing a significant role in the daily lives of organizations. This dynamic has encouraged leaders to adopt a more focused and participatory approach in order to meet the distinct needs of their multigenerational teams.
However, the second edition of the Panorama of Feelings of Leaders, prepared by the SPUTNik corporate school, reveals that the challenge is evident, with eight out of ten (79%) leaders expressing difficulties when leading employees from different generations.
Throughout 2023, the survey interviewed more than 250 leaders from large companies, and among several diagnoses highlighted are concerns about anxiety, self-knowledge, and a better balance between personal life and professional development. The study also showed that 1/4 of leaders consider that ways of developing and engaging the team are a nebulous horizon, followed by possibilities for long-term business growth (24.6%).
Engagement is a pain that has become chronic among leaders, but it is very important to also connect this with the multigenerational environment. Generation Z, for example, has been perceived as less engaged than millennials and baby boomers, as it is a generation very focused on purpose, while those 30+ are usually recognized for their tireless dedication to work”, highlights Mariana Achutti, CEO of SPUTNiK .
Since 2022, the Leadership Sentiments Panorama has closely monitored the decision-making process in companies. For the second year in a row, the lack of strategic clarity emerges as the biggest concern for leaders, representing 48.1% of responses. Another highlighted challenge is the deficiency in data collection and/or analysis, indicating that organizations are still not fully taking advantage of the potential of data technology to support their decisions.
Taken from decisions
Furthermore, more than 60% of managers shared that, when faced with important decisions, they seek guidance from their own leaders (56.7%) and from their personal network (53.8%). Only 11.9% consult the administrative board before making crucial decisions. This data highlights the need to improve not only strategic communication, but also the efficient use of data and the inclusion of fundamental decision-making bodies in business decision-making.
On the other hand, 36.2% of respondents indicated that they do not have exchanges with their leaders as a priority channel, just as 43.3% do not connect with their peers at decisive moments.
Leadership support
Another point that draws attention is the feeling of helplessness. Most leaders report a lack of support and leadership that is not very humanized. Interviewees also highlight that they need support and a collaborative culture for decision-making.
Sade mental
Despite these challenges and anxiety still being very present in day-to-day management, Panorama pointed out that around 60% of leaders undergo therapy, highlighting the growing importance of taking care of the mental health of leaders in an increasingly competitive and challenging environment. . Around 30% of the responses mention that this resource helps in decision-making, through “self-knowledge, control of emotions, clarity and balance”, as mentioned by some of the responses.