A survey by Digital Favela, Data Favela and Youpix revealed that only 12% of creators have work partners in large companies
Nine out of 10 content creators from the favela still see themselves being paid less by companies, compared to influencers from outside the favelas. This is one of the data presented by the research “Creators de Favela”, carried out by Digital Favela in partnership with Data Favela and Youpix.
The survey also showed that 71% of creators say that at least part of their income comes from their activity as a digital influencer, but for only 20% this is their main source of income and 68% evaluate the current financial return on the activity as poor.
“We need to understand that the difficulties faced by favela influencers go beyond their day-to-day work, as they also need to face prejudice,” said Renato Meirelles, founder of Data Favela.
Furthermore, the research also showed that 64% of them have great difficulty in opening up new brands and partners and 58% stated that they encounter obstacles to growing within the platforms. Another data presented by the study is that eight out of every 10 influencers have already closed or would be willing to close a job well below the requested value.
Given the difficulties faced, 39% of creators and influencers have their main work partners in companies and entrepreneurs from the favela itself, while 25% find opportunities abroad, 24% in advertising agencies and only 12% in large companies, such as multinationals.
“The favela is an incredible source of creativity, in addition to being one of the greatest powerhouses of consumption in the entire country. Valuing peripheral influencers and, above all, knowing how to work in partnership with them can generate incredible opportunities and results for a series of brands from different segments”, added Guilherme Pierri, co-CEO of Digital Favela alongside Celso Athayde.