Domino’s Pizza Brasil presents new CMO

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Domino’s Pizza Brasil presents new CMO

Gabriel Ferrari will take over the company’s marketing strategies in the country

Domino’s Pizza announced the arrival of Gabriel Ferrari as the company’s new CMO in Brazil.

The executive has 20 years of experience in the market and will take on the marketing strategies for Domino’s in the country.

“Domino’s is a brand very attentive to trends and with innovation in its DNA. It was a pioneer in the pizza delivery industry in the world, always valuing quality, which is a strong attribute and recognized by our consumers. It is a great satisfaction to join the team of a brand that has everything to grow even further in Brazil”, stated Ferrari.

Specialist in strategic marketing and digital marketing, the new Domino’s Pizza Brasil executive graduated in Advertising and Marketing from ESPM, with an MBA in Business Management from FGV and a financial management course from Columbia University in New York.

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