Contents are divided into three episodes and feature names from the creative industry
Unlock CCXP and Volvo have teamed up to launch the web series “From Zero to Peak, from Zero to 100%”. The content has three episodes, which were presented during the days of the conference.
The web series consists of interviews with names from the creative industry such as Laysa Peixoto, Cssio Cortes, Andreza Delgado, Mirella Cambrea, Otvio Juliato and Enzo Celulari. The recordings took place at the Omelete Company and are set in the automaker’s electric car.
“The objective of Unlock is to bring together relevant people from the market to exchange references, present success stories, raise debates and promote reflections. What happens in the series are conversations immortalized in quality content for those who want to be inspired by success stories”, Giglio said.
Available on Volvo’s YouTube channel, the episodes cover the themes “Entertainment and purpose”, “Brand building and social impact” and “Inspirations, security and technology” and were directed by Gustavo Giglio, head of content at Omelete Company and curator of Unlock CCXP.
“The union of Volvo Car Brasil and Unlock CCXP says a lot about the path we want to follow as a brand. Volvo has innovation in its DNA and we know that the world of POP culture does too. For us, it is extremely important to be connected with younger people , which is definitely the future of the planet and consequently our audience. Offering the panel of a young Brazilian astronaut reflects the essence of the brand”, added Rafael Ugo, head of Marketing and Strategy at Volvo Car América Latina.