The #ThinkBeforeSpeaking campaign addresses discrimination such as racism, LGBTQIA+phobia and religious intolerance.
O Brazil-Israel Institute launched the #PenseAntesdeFalar campaign, against prejudice in Brazil. The films, with 90 and 30 second versions, present situations in which minorities are discriminated against, as a way of exposing and repudiating the oppression against such groups in the country.
In 2023 alone, Islamophobia, prejudice against Muslim people, grew 900% in Brazil, according to an estimate by the National Association of Islamic Jurists; racism had a 67% increase in the number of cases in 2022, according to data from the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook; Hatred towards Jews increased 1000% throughout this year, as shown by a survey carried out by Conib (Confederação Israelita do Brasil) and Fisesp (Federação Israelita de São Paulo).
The campaign addresses racism, LGBTQIA+phobia, religious intolerance, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. In the film, representatives of these minorities exemplify how these attacks happen on a daily basis and call for public awareness.
Brazil is a country that faces significant difficulties in developing public policies to combat the speech and practice of hate. That is why this campaign is so important, even more so at a time when the current situation is reflecting us, explains Ruth Goldberg, president of the Brazil-Israel Institute.
Participating in the campaign are communicator Ariel Nobre, actor Diego Raymond, rapper Zeus, actress Viviane Pasmanter, singer Assucena Assucena, activist Neon Cunha and Fatima Hage, a student.
Watch here:
For Ariel Nobre, a participant in the campaign, it is important to fight so that the next generations can be free in their respective identities. People before me fought so that I could freely be who I am and do what I do. I will continue fighting so that the next generations have other problems, he says.
*Cover photo: Divulgao/Instituto Brasil-Israel
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