Continental Pneus renews sponsorship with the Copa do Brasil

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Continental Pneus renews sponsorship with the Copa do Brasil

It marks being in the championship for the tenth time, which starts this Tuesday (20)

Continental Pneus announced that it will once again be the sponsor of the Copa Betano do Brasil, which starts this Tuesday (20). This will be the brand’s tenth year in the competition.

The 36th edition of the tournament will be played by 92 teams from 26 states and the Federal District in a total of 122 matches and will offer the champion a prize of R$ 75.5 million, but which can reach R$ 95 million with bonuses from the previous phases.

“We understand the sponsorship of a long-lasting tournament with enormous capillarity like this as fundamental to strengthening our presence in the sports scene and also promoting two important values ​​of our company: passion for winning and for each other. Through this partnership, we seek to only increase our exposure and brand recognition, but also deepen our relationship with sports fans and connect us even more with our consumers through an emotional bond that only a national passion like football can provide, highlighted Leandro Ramiro, head of marketing at Continental Pneus.

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