The first two days of SXSW make it clear that this is the time to ask questions, the right questions, questions about how everything should be moderated, regulated and checked. After all, trust, or rather distrust, is what people feel towards any content today. After the explosion of the first experiences of “real” people with AI in the world in 2023, 2024 will be the year in which we will see more practical and slightly more sophisticated applications.
Os gadgets and any device that brings data to feed AIs will eventually make these technologies know what we want or what we will do before we do. For example, when using Vision Pro, it is actually understanding where you are going, capturing images of your surroundings and, through your pupil’s reactions, interpreting your reactions to what is happening. Since we don’t control our pupil’s reaction, Apple is, in fact, capturing our feelings and feeding this information to the world. This is what is happening now, in 2023. Imagine, then, the evolution of artificial intelligence in the coming months, years and decades.
Yes, we are Gen T (transition generation), who are having the privilege and responsibility of witnessing and influencing a radical and rapid change in humanity. The way we live will change forever, in every way we can imagine.
Besides, there are many Brazilians here. If we take it to Brazil and connect the insights From here, with the potential of our country, we will finally be able to have our moment to lead the changes and show the world how to get there. We can be the country with the most human, light, creative and loving Gen T, because that’s how we are in Brazil. Adding our strengths to what is to come, we will help build a more humane humanity through technology.
* This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the vehicle | Cover photo: Renata Porto
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