Itaú brings together Ronaldo Fenômeno and Carlos Alcaraz in “A Meeting Made in the Future”

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Itaú brings together Ronaldo Fenômeno and Carlos Alcaraz in “A Meeting Made in the Future”

Project was created by the Gallery and designed based on the concept “Made of the Future”

Itáu presented a project created under the concept of its 100-year campaign, “Feito de Futuro”, which aims to reinforce the commitment to creating dialogues and points between generations.

With “Um Encontro Feito de Futuro”, the bank brought together Ronaldo Fenômeno and Carlos Alcaraz so that they could exchange life experiences, share their journeys and talk about their visions for the future.

The meeting is being publicized with a campaign created by Galeria that is being publicized on Itaú’s social networks.

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