Petlove sends hint to Cobasi and Petz

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Petlove sends hint to Cobasi and Petz

Video was published on the brand’s social media, with the caption “Where there’s a pet, there’s got to be love”

One of the news that generated discussion at the end of last week was the progress of merger negotiations between Cobasi and Petz. If completed, the combination of companies will result in a network of 483 stores.

In the midst of discussions on the topic, Petlove took advantage of the buzz and published a video on its Instagram account with a “light” indirect towards its competitors with the caption “Where there is a pet, there must be love”.

The video has a simple scenography: three dog houses, one yellow in reference to Petz, one blue representing Cobasi and one purple with a heart to be Petlove.

Over the course of the seconds, a dog passes through the first two and enters Petlove’s house and the video ends with the phrase “when there’s love even in the name, it’s easy to choose”.

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