Sportingbet brings the spirit of ‘beating your chest’ to Av. Paulista

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Sportingbet brings the spirit of ‘beating your chest’ to Av. Paulista

Developed in partnership with JCDecaux, the action reproduces the gesture that represents the brand’s new positioning

Sportingbet is intensifying its repositioning campaign, carried out in partnership with DPZ. Now, the brand is betting on an OOH activation, developed together with JCDecaux.

Anyone passing through Avenida Paulista will come across a clock that has a structure that reproduces the gesture that represents the new positioning, “Enter the game confidently”.

ooh frente

Additionally, there will be OOH media support at other street clocks and in several subway stations in São Paulo. The campaign also includes stickers on trains and placement on internal subway screens in Salvador, as well as street clocks, bus shelters and MUPIs in Rio de Janeiro.

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