Decathlon launches sports prosthesis for dogs with disabilities

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Decathlon launches sports prosthesis for dogs with disabilities

Products are made from PET bottles taken from parks

Decathlon launched an action that turns dogs with disabilities into athletes again, aiming to democratize and encourage the inclusion of everyone in sport.

Thinking about dogs with disabilities and mobility problems, the company launched Pethletes, a sports prosthesis for dogs made from PET bottles taken from parks. They restore mobility to dogs that have lost the movement of their hind legs, allowing them to practice sports with their owners again.

The launch of Pethletes took place at Parque Villa-Lobos, in São Paulo, with the activation of NGOs such as Cãodeirante and with invitations aimed at the community of dog owners with disabilities.

The prosthetics will be available on Decathlon’s e-commerce soon.

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