Eight out of ten people who follow football know which brands sponsor their team
Resenha Digital Clube, through Opinion Box, released a survey carried out with people who regularly follow sports and highlighted the brand segments most related to the topic, in addition to how these people use social networks.
According to the research, among the sponsoring brands, banks and financial institutions (57%) are the most remembered companies, followed by sports betting houses (55%), drinks (50%) and credit card brands (49%) . Among the public aged 18 to 29, sports betting houses increase to 61% as the most remembered brands.
The research also shows that 8 out of 10 people who follow football know which brands are sponsors of their team, but they do not necessarily prioritize these companies when purchasing, as only 32% give priority to products or services that are offered by football sponsors. club. Furthermore, 60% of consumers never stop buying from brands that sponsor rival teams.
Among those who follow football, the brands most associated with naming rights are Morumbis, Neo Química Arena and Maracanã, spontaneously.
Also according to the study, the social networks most used on a daily basis by sports fans are WhatsApp followed by Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Telegram, with people using, on average, 5 networks. The content formats they most like to follow are stories, photos, and edited videos, demonstrating a diverse interest in content.
6 out of 10 consumers have the habit of following sports content daily through digital influencers and, among these people, 77% have the habit of spending up to 1 hour a day to follow this type of content.
Regarding the types of advertising that most impact people who follow sports regularly, product photos, advertising videos and review videos stand out. Among these, organic and relaxed content with a product inserted gains strength, followed by video reviews. Among the reasons that lead a person to follow an influencer, the main ones are realizing that the content creator has experience, is friendly and can convey trust. On the other hand, discovering that the influencer is involved in fraud, not trusting the content, manipulating followers and noticing that the content is losing quality are the main reasons for unfollowing.