Blueprint for Marketing Growth reveals that significantly different brands have five times greater market penetration
Kantar introduced the Blueprint for Marketing Growth, consisting of an analysis of more than 6.5 billion global data points of consumer attitudes and purchasing habits from the last ten years.
The study is based on the understanding of how companies build strong and profitable brands, aiming to support marketing directors in growing, creating and predicting value for brands.
“For the first time, we combine a decade of brand attitudinal research with real consumer behavior to more holistically understand the tangible impact marketing has on growth. Among other elements, we see that emotional connections in advertising are crucial. When optimized, build differentiation and predispose consumers to a brand, increasing sales and loyalty”, says Milton Souza, CEO of Kantar’s Insights division.
Data from Kantar Insights, Kantar BrandZ and behavioral data from Kantar Worldpanel were analyzed, focusing on the question “How can marketers drive a brand’s growth?” The analysis concluded that brands that are significantly different to people have 5 times greater market penetration and a growth advantage over the next 2 years.
Kantar understands that there are three growth accelerators and together they provide a framework for decision making:
Predispose more people: Investment in exhibitions and experiences can make the brand mentally available and significantly different to people, generating a purchase volume share 9 times greater, an average sales price twice as high and a four times greater probability of increasing participation in the future.
Be more present: Optimizing marketing investments in the customer journey, variety, packaging, prices, promotions and other activities that convert consumer predisposition can win seven times more buyers, compared to other brands that are present in only half of the purchase occasions.
Find new spaces: Identifying incremental spaces (motivations, occasions, categories and services) doubles a brand’s chances of growth. According to the study, increasing the number of usage occasions by 10% results in revenue growth of 17%.
Kantar’s analysis shows that growth paths will be different for each brand, context and category, reinforcing differentiation to create strong connections between consumers and brands.
“Every marketing leader can use this framework to assess their brand’s competitive positioning and then shape their strategic response and marketing investment priorities,” concludes Jane Ostler, executive vice president of global thought leadership at Kantar. and leader of the Kantar Blueprint project.
(Credit: Photo by Headway on Unsplash)