Campaign was developed by Africa
Brahma says that revelry is a state of mind, and that Carnival is within each Brazilian person. And to keep the emotion alive, this year, the brand rewrites the plot of its samba, with the participation of Alcione and Arlindinho.
After not letting samba die in 2021, Brahma and the artists sing that “O Show has to go on”, inspiring consumers to keep the flame of Carnival alive, wherever they are.
With the initiative, the brand says it wants to show that, even without the traditional parties and celebrations in the streets, it is still possible to enjoy and show all the love for revelry, always with the security that the moment calls for.
Campaign: The show must go on
Agency: Africa
Advertiser: Ambev
CCO: Sergio Gordilho
Executive Creative Director: Felipe Cury, Philippe Degen and Quatrocci
Creation director: Marcelo Bruzzesi and Henrique Guimaraes
Head Of Art: Rodrigo Bonfim
Creation: João Corazza and Bruno Reis
COO: Carolina Boccia
Attendance: Heloísa Pupim, Rafael Marques, Nathan Simeão, Vivianne Santos, Amanda Maia
Media: Aga Porada, Luciana Prado, Victor Berto, Caroline Richa, Samuel Teles, Pablo Meira, Isadora Ferreira and Vitoria Lopes
Planning: Aldo Pini, Quentin Mahé, Fernanda Valéria, Mariana Crepaldi, John Oliveira
Agency production: Rodrigo Ferrari, Tais Olhara
Ambev production: Integrated DraftLine
Head Audiovisual Production: Julia Kannebley
Integrated Production Executive: Caio Baldini
Executive Producers: Karin Stuckenschmidt e Carlos Grübber
Producers: Gabi Froemming, Bruno Arneiro and Marina Pimentel
Producer/Image: Boiler Films
Director: Nixon
Executive producer: Marcella Feo and Juliana Martellotta
Production Coordination: Rafaela Muniz, Juliana Salviano and Michel Nogueira
Photography Direction: Nixon
Art director: Rafael Cabeça
Attendance: Marcella Feo
Post-Production Coordinator: Ferdinand Barbieri
Montador: Vitor Cohen
Pos: Flow Effects
Cor: Marla Color Grading
Producer/sound: Antfood Music & Sound Design
Music Production Director: Lou Schmidt and Fernando Rojo
Musical production: Lou Schmidt, Fernando Rojo, Luis Bergmann, Pedro Curvello and Vinicius Nunes
Executive producer: Renato Castro and Christiane Rachel
Coordination: Monique Munhoz
Finishing: Bruno Broaska, Fabian Jorge, Pablo Homem de Mello and Tiago Lins
Customer approval: Mauricio Landi, Mariana Santos, Renan Carvalho and Camila Rodrigues