Rastro takes over Ultragaz’s social networks

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Rastro takes over Ultragaz’s social networks

The agency aims to enhance market presence and reinforce brand identity

The Rastro agency announced that it has won the Ultragaz account and will now be responsible for the company’s social networks.

With the aim of enhancing Ultragaz’s market presence and reinforcing its identity, Rastro will develop content planning and production strategies, as well as monitoring to meet the specific needs of the new client. The scope of work includes strategic planning that will integrate several fronts of action within the company’s digital communication.

In the operation, the priority is brand monitoring through data analysis via social listening to gain a deep understanding of the brand’s audience, in addition to how the company can create more content that generates spontaneous conversations with the brand’s community.

Rastro will also collaborate in the repositioning of the mascot Ultrinho and the avatar Ully, characters of the brand in the digital environment.

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