Gallery presents new creative directors

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Gallery presents new creative directors

Mellina Fontoura and Paula Keller Perego arrive to boost McDonald’s deliveries and will report to Rodrigo Marangoni

Galeria has announced the arrival of two creative leaders to its team, Mellina Fontoura and Paula Keller Perego. The duo of creative directors arrives at the agency to enhance the deliveries developed for McDonald’s.

Now, the creatives are part of the team led by CCO Rafael Urenha and will report directly to Rodrigo Marangoni, executive creative director.

Foto GALERIA Mellina Fontoura e Paula Perego cr dito Andr Leigo 1
Mellina Fontoura and Paula Keller Perego are the new creative directors of the Gallery (André Leigo)

The creative duo came together three years ago and have worked at GUT and Talent, serving clients such as Mercado Livre, Quinto Andar, Zé Delivery and Netflix.

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