Oakberry is an official sponsor of Casa Brasil at the Paris Olympics

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Oakberry is an official sponsor of Casa Brasil at the Paris Olympics

The initiative aims to expand business and enhance the brand’s international visibility

Oakberry has announced its official sponsorship of Casa Brasil, the main meeting point for Brazilian fans during the Paris 2024 Games, which will take place in the French capital between July 26 and August 11.

“We have always had a strong connection with sports and this is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Oakberry is a global brand with Brazilian DNA and being part of this celebration makes us very proud. Sponsoring Casa Brasil is an opportunity to expand our business and boost our international visibility,” says Bruno Cardinali, Oakberry’s marketing director.

The space will be set up in Parc La Villete, located in the north of the French capital, and will have the capacity to receive 5,000 visitors per day. There, visitors will be able to watch broadcasts of the games and participate in the celebration of the medals won by Brazilian athletes.

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