Latam Brazil has a new marketing manager

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Latam Brazil has a new marketing manager

Mariana Karrer will lead brand and trade marketing strategies

Mariana Karrer has been chosen as the new marketing manager for Latam Brazil. Reporting directly to Aline Mafra, sales and marketing director, the executive will take on the management of the brand throughout the country, leading branding and trade marketing strategies.

Mariana has a degree in Advertising and Propaganda from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and a postgraduate degree in Marketing from Ibmec.

WhatsApp Image 2024 07 16 at 16.01.48
Mariana Karrer, marketing manager for Latam Brazil (Disclosure)

His career includes leadership roles in companies such as Dasa, Nextel, L’Oreal and TIM, as well as experience at Telefônica, Coca-Cola Company and Infoglobo, always in the area of ​​Marketing and Advertising.

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