Allegra uses football to raise awareness about allergies

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Allegra uses football to raise awareness about allergies

The action will take place during the breaks of the games that will be broadcast by Globo this Sunday (21)

Allegra will debut an action during the breaks of the football games that will be broadcast on TV Globo this Sunday (21), being Atlético Mineiro and Vasco and Bahia and Corinthians.

The campaign will aim to alert viewers about the allergies that can be caused by leaving a shirt stored for a long time.


During the action, the announcers will comment among themselves and interact about the message conveyed in the film, while a 3D flag will appear on the screen showing how Allegra saves the game when rhinitis appears.

In parallel, influencer Giulia Araki will speak on her social networks about the same topic, allowing the TV action to also be taken to the digital environment.

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