Signed by FCB Health Brasil, the action seeks to increase the service capacity of blood banks
Around eight companies from the São Paulo Corporate Towers condominium have joined forces to help increase the stock of blood banks in São Paulo. The “Your Blood Type is Welcome” initiative, signed by FCB Health Brasil, hopes to increase the banks’ service capacity.
According to the Health Department of the Government of the State of São Paulo, blood banks are operating at only 40% of their capacity. Participating companies include Grupo Trio, Bain & Company, Gráfica Altaica, among others.
“Our goal is to raise awareness among the population about the importance of donating blood and to increase stocks in blood banks, especially because with blood banks at such critical levels, each donation becomes even more vital to guarantee care for patients who need transfusions,” explains Murilo Pedrosa, managing director of FCB Health Brasil.
The condominium has a dedicated space set up for donations and will receive support from the Albert Einstein Hospital in the State of São Paulo to maintain the integrity of the materials. The blood collection process takes about 15 minutes. Among the various participating companies, many are contributing to support donors, such as delivering snacks and informational materials.
To mobilize and inform employees of participating companies, several actions were developed, from sending marketing emails to videos on the internal TV network, banners and other promotional materials.
(Credit: Photo by Nguyen Hiep on Unsplash)