CoCreators wins influencer marketing account from Afya

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CoCreators wins influencer marketing account from Afya

The agency will be responsible for the strategic and creative management of influencer campaigns

CoCreators has announced a partnership with healthcare education and practice solutions hub Afya.

“Our challenge to deeply understand the medical education sector and Afya’s specific needs motivated us to innovate and deliver content strategies that really make a difference. CoCreators’ co-creation methodology and extensive experience make us very confident in developing the influence front in a strategic way”, explains Larissa Charnet, director of operations at CoCreators.

The agency will be responsible for the strategic and creative management of Afya’s influencer campaigns.

“Having CoCreators as our agency is essential to strengthen our communication and engagement with our audience. The team’s expertise and creative capacity give us the confidence that we are in good hands to convey Afya’s mission and values ​​in an effective and innovative way”, celebrates Marise Lemos, Afya’s marketing, channels and content manager.

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