Avon Institute lights up Ferris wheel in Rio de Janeiro in Purple August action

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Avon Institute lights up Ferris wheel in Rio de Janeiro in Purple August action

Initiative is part of the campaign developed by Repense to combat violence against women

The Avon Institute lit up the Yup Star Ferris wheel, located in Porto Maravilha, in Rio de Janeiro, on August 18 and 19, as part of the Purple August event. The event is part of the campaign “Intertwined Voices – Whoever Listens to a Woman Silences Violence”, which seeks to raise awareness among the population about the importance of confronting violence against women.

The campaign, conceived by Repense, aims to highlight active listening as a crucial form of intervention, promoting dialogue about the different types of violence and showing how women can receive support and assistance through the Institute’s virtual assistant, Ângela. The strategy began with a video manifesto and pieces disseminated on the Avon Institute’s digital media channels.

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