Vult invites Rebeca Andrade to open her heart in her testimony

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Vult invites Rebeca Andrade to open her heart in her testimony

Brand ambassador, gymnast talks about important moments in her career

Vult invited gymnast and brand ambassador Rebeca Andrade to write an exclusive testimonial, narrating in the first person her journey since childhood, at the age of 4, addressing the challenges of her career.

“It seems crazy, but if someone had told Rebeca when she was still a little girl: ‘Calm down, Rebequinha. Keep going, don’t be afraid! Everything will be fine. He is preparing you’. I wouldn’t believe it. Maybe I wouldn’t even understand it properly. Maybe no, I certainly wouldn’t understand it (lol). And not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would have such a challenging, but equally special and incredible path ahead of me”, says Rebeca in the text.

Credit: Photo by Luca Castro

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