Smirnoff and Pabllo Vittar join forces to “change the vibe”

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Smirnoff and Pabllo Vittar join forces to “change the vibe”

Project designed by AlmapBBDO includes actions on social media and at events

Smirnoff and Pabllo Vittar have teamed up for a new project that will bring actions that promise to “change the vibe” on social media and events. The partnership, conceived by Smirnoff and the agency AlmapBBDO, began in August with a series of deliveries by the artist on digital, followed by a Halloween activation by Pabllo.

“The most unforgettable moments and the most brilliant ideas arise when unique people connect, creating an impact much greater than the sum of the parts. Pabllo Vittar has a spark that helps transform any environment for the better, and that is exactly what we seek as a brand,” says Gabriel Garcia, head of vodka & convenience at Diageo.

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