Nestlé Brazil presents new Diversity & Inclusion leadership

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Nestlé Brazil presents new Diversity & Inclusion leadership

Augusto Drumond has been with the company since 2018 and has worked in the areas of Innovation, Beverages, Confectionery, Coffee and Strategic Planning.

Nestlé Brazil has announced Augusto Drumond as its new head of Diversity and Inclusion. Before taking on the role, the executive was part of the company’s Innovation area.

“In this new challenge, I want to accelerate the vision that Nestlé will be a mirror of Brazilian society, truly diverse and plural, by reducing barriers to inclusion throughout the company and in our main production chains,” said the executive.

The executive began his career at Nestlé in 2018 as a Marketing Trainee and worked in the Innovation, Beverages, Confectionery, Coffee and Strategic Planning teams.

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