First panel of the STF upholds Alexandre de Moraes’ decision to suspend X

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First panel of the STF upholds Alexandre de Moraes’ decision to suspend X

Flávio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Cármen Lúcia and Luiz Fux agree with Moraes and the platform will remain offline

The ministers of the first group of the STF unanimously agreed with Alexandre de Moraes on the suspension of X, formerly Twitter, in Brazil, with a score of five to zero. Moraes requested the removal of X from the air in Brazil due to the lack of a legal representative for the platform in the country.

Ministers Flávio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Cármen Lúcia and Luiz Fux, in addition to Alexandre de Moraes himself, voted via virtual plenary with the session starting at midnight this Monday (2).

Credit: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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