iFood takes inspiration from TikTok in new campaign

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iFood takes inspiration from TikTok in new campaign

Created by DM9, the videos star Diogo Defante and will be broadcast on open and closed TV

TikTok has been flooded with videos of brands advertising themselves in unusual ways, with tumbles, dives, splits and transitions. This context inspired iFood to launch its new campaign, created to promote the iFood Club.

Signed by DM9 and starring Diogo Defante, the communication has five videos that begin with an unusual scene until a sudden cut shows the brand’s “poster boy” to continue.


The films will be shown on free-to-air and cable TV. In the second phase of the campaign, TikTok creators will also be invited to produce their own versions of the brand’s ads, and the videos with the highest engagement will be published on the company’s feed.

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