Burger King jokes about X leaving the country and launches promotion

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Burger King jokes about X leaving the country and launches promotion

The piece, created by David Madrid, simulates posts from the fast food chain’s page on the platform in OOHs spread across the city of São Paulo

Burger King is known for the humor it uses in its communications, and with X leaving Brazil, the chain was not going to miss the opportunity. Thinking about the recent event, the company launched an offer.

Using OOH media throughout the city of São Paulo, Burger King spread messages such as “The only x we ​​have left now is the X-Burger at BK! 2 X-Burgers for R$15.90. Now it’s on…” and “A fine of 50 thousand reais or two X-Burgers for R$15.90 at BK? That’s the crux of the matter.”


The campaign, created by DAVID Madrid, simulates posts from the BK no X page to promote the #PromoçãoSemBloqueio, offering 2 X-Burger (Cheeseburger) for R$15.90.

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