SPR launches professional education company

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SPR launches professional education company

Agency will offer in-person and online courses in several areas, such as business practices, marketing and best practices in social networks

SPR has launched a professional education company, Spread School. The initiative is the result of the professional training and knowledge dissemination work that the agency has been developing for some time in the market and aims to offer professional training courses, lectures and workshops taught by SPR directors and professionals, covering various areas of knowledge, in person and online in various areas, such as commercial practices, marketing and best practices in social networks.

The school’s proposal is to spread knowledge to help clients and the market with their problems and demands. “With Spread School, we are committed to empowering professionals and teams to excel in their careers, improve their skills and contribute significantly to the success of their organizations,” says Christian Schünke, head of digital at SPR and professor of MBA and postgraduate courses at Feevale and ESPM.

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