Assaí presents its digital pet, Caramelo Assaí

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Assaí presents its digital pet, Caramelo Assaí

Adopted by the company’s virtual ambassador, Sol, the mongrel arrives to strengthen ties with current customers and attract new consumers

Assaí has ​​introduced its digital pet, Caramelo Assaí, a typically Brazilian mongrel. Adopted by the company’s virtual ambassador, Sol, the dog is here to strengthen ties with current customers and attract new consumers, whether they are pet owners or retailers. Sol and her new friend Caramelo will be featured in various brand materials and special offers.

Caramelo Assaí is a mongrel adopted by Assaí’s virtual ambassador, Sol (Disclosure)

“We thought about this launch with great care. We want to humanize our virtual ambassador, Sol, even more, bringing her closer to the daily lives of our customers, while at the same time highlighting the importance of the pet category for our business. We created a real identification with the public and a more engaging shopping experience. Caramelo Assaí is a tribute to our roots – the caramel mutt is practically a Brazilian cultural heritage – and represents our commitment to offering low prices and valuing the emotional connection that guardians have with their pets”, explains Marly Yamamoto, executive director of marketing and customer management at Assaí.

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