New content hub will give visibility to the agendas of people who suffer from social exclusion
The Terra portal launched a content vertical aimed at deepening discussions on diversity, called “Terra Nós”.
The new content hub will give visibility to the agendas of people who suffer from social exclusion, such as women, black people, indigenous people, people with disabilities, LGBTQIAP+ and 50+, in an initiative that seeks to prioritize plural, inclusive and accessible journalism.
“Our objective is to amplify what is said on the subject, with the promotion of debates that lead to reflection on prejudices and that contribute to people talking about it properly in any conversation”, explained Claudia Caliente, director of Terra.
“Terra Nós” also has a representative group of columnists linked to diversity, with a presence on social networks and who will bring content, whether in articles, video columns, webseries, stories and podcasts.
Among the columnists is Txai Suruí, founder of the Rondônia Indigenous Youth Movement and the only Brazilian to speak at the official opening of the Climate Summit Conference (COP26), in 2021; the writers Cris Guerra and Joice Berth; the digital influencer Luã Andrade, creator of the page Escurecendo Fatos; Márcia Rocha, the first trans lawyer to have her social name recognized by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), where she is a counselor; and Natália dos Santos, the first visually impaired TV presenter in Brazil.
The portal has a layout based on WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guideline), offering the possibility of reading in night mode and an audio reading plugin. According to the company, other changes will still be implemented, such as the use of a video player with automatic subtitles, use of a Libras translator for all articles and use of “Para Cego Ver” on the portal’s social networks.