This Monday (30), Google began blocking advertisements for bets that are not registered with the Ministry of Finance
Bets that did not request authorization to operate in Brazil will have their activities suspended from this Tuesday (1st). The suspension will be valid until the company files a request, and the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance grants permission.
Unauthorized websites will continue to be accessed until October 11th, when they will be taken offline by Anatel. Yesterday (30), Minister Fernando Haddad said that up to 600 pages and applications will be blocked.
From October to December, only those sites authorized and that were already acting. According to the Ministry of Finance, suspended companies will be able to make the request at any time, but will go to the end of the queue.
The expectation is that the department will conclude, by December, the process of analyzing the requests filed so far. Upon approval, companies must pay R$30 million in grant money to legally operate up to three brands each for five years.
(Credit: Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash)