Dummy enters the house, intrigues the brothers and brands take advantage of the buzz on the networks

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BBB: Dummy enters the house, intrigues the brothers and brands take advantage of the buzz on the networks

Americanas, McDonald’s and PicPay were some of the sponsors who played with the situation

The BBB house received another participant this Thursday (10). No, it wasn’t any new entrant, it was a Dummy.

Although the public — and the participants — were clamoring for a recap of the brothers who were eliminated, it was all a big boss joke.

On his official Instagram account, the program director warned viewers that the prank would take place at 1 pm today. No sooner said than done. At 1 pm, all participants were called into the room and a Dummy entered the house.

After the wall that eliminated Jade Picon from the program, the participants were believing that she would return home and that everything would have been nothing more than a false wall.

As soon as Boninho announced that he would play with the brothers, the brands that sponsor the program mobilized on the networks and were amused by the reactions of the program participants with the arrival of the new participant.

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