Initiative is signed by BFerraz in partnership with the Racial Equity Promotion Pact
In an estimate made by IDBR, based on data from IBGE-Caged in 2023, it will take 167 years to achieve racial equity in the labor market, that is, only in 2190.
Based on this information, BFerraz in partnership with the Racial Equity Promotion Pact created the ‘Equity Calendar’, which marks the time needed for black people to achieve equality in the job market.
According to the study Social Inequalities by Color or Race in Brazil (2021), 34.5% of black people and 38.4% of mixed race people lived in poverty, almost double the rate among white people (18.6%). In extreme poverty, the rates were 9% for blacks and 11.4% for browns, while only 5% of whites were in this condition.
In the labor market, inequalities persist: depending on the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad) (2023), the white population had an unemployment rate of 5.9%, while for blacks (8.9%) and mixed race (8.5%) the rates exceeded the national average.
With the methodology of the Racial Equity Promotion Pact that brings together allied companies to foster an anti-racist organizational culture and achieve social equality, we can reduce this prediction together with important names in the fight, such as ambassador Isabel Fillardis.
The Pact, launched in 2021, is an initiative that combats racial inequalities in Brazil, promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for the black population. Composed of companies and organizations, it has been a catalyst for inclusive practices in the public and private sector, placing the racial issue at the center of the economic debate.
Among its actions is the ESG Racial Protocol, which guides companies to promote equity in their operations and communities, in addition to the ESG Racial Equity Index (IEER), which measures racial representation in the corporate market.
The pact also leads projects such as the Pacto das Pretas, to promote black women in leadership positions, and the Pacto Transforma Program, which strengthens the professional qualifications of this population.
“Our partnership with the Pact to Promote Racial Equity is a commitment to accelerating changes that reduce the projected 167 years of racial equity in the job market. Together, we believe we can rewrite this history faster.” points out, Enricco Benetti, Co-CEO and CCO of BFerraz.