By Henrique Rojas*
Do you know who the biggest fans in the country are? If you guessed Flamengo or Corinthians, you were wrong: the biggest fan base in Brazil, with 24.4%, is those who don’t support any team (O Globo/ Ipec).
So it is. Along the same path, despite the gigantic polarization that invaded the 2022 election, the big surprise of our presidential elections was an unexpected candidate: nobody. After all, if we add abstinence, blanks and nulls, we will reach practically 25% of valid votes – that is, 1/4 of the entire electorate.
So what? Therefore, when we look at national retail sales data and discover that more than 70% of new purchases come from physical stores (EMarketer), we shouldn’t be so surprised. Because Brazil, my friends, is a beautiful and hybrid country by nature.
At the same time that we are the nation that spends the most time connected to social media, we are also the ones who sell out tickets for all small, large and medium-sized music, business or sports events – even if it is just to post in stories.
We love doing a little shopping on our cell phones in the middle of the night, but we also love taking the whole family to the store when it’s time to buy a new TV for the living room. Order those much-desired sneakers via e-commerce, but pick them up in store because you have time to try them on and exchange them right there. You put a lot of things in your cart, but when it’s time to place the order you get stressed “because this shipping is a rip-off!” and retreats.
There’s no way. Even though we try to reduce more than 200 million people to our work or WhatsApp bubble, the reality is that we live in a reality of many realities. And in this very complex context, thinking that Brazilians will make purchasing decisions quickly and consciously amid so many available options is practically a distant dream.
It’s no surprise that when we talk about the consumer journey, we follow the logic of the conversion funnel as a central mantra to seek good numbers.
Of course, it is possible to run a bottom-of-the-funnel campaign and sell a lot, as well as run an awareness campaign and be successful. It is unlikely to achieve any positive brand recall just thinking about selling or being able to sell kilos of products with a rebrand. Because, above all, you need to think about it: the journey – which is becoming less and less logical and linear.
Our work consists of reading the data, trying to understand the patterns, segmenting the not-so-obvious differences that we have in such a broad scenario and designing a strategy that does not dictate, but adapts to people’s routine. Once a hybrid, always a hybrid.
*Henrique Rojas is Head of Creation and Strategy at Peppery, a Brivia_Group company
** This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the vehicle.
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