Fábio Barreto leaves Sides

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Fábio Barreto leaves Sides

According to information, the professional’s departure was amicable and occurred due to differences in relation to the future of the agency’s business model.

Fábio Barreto is leaving Sides, an agency he founded nine years ago with Guilherme Leite and Dudu Martins. In addition to being a founding partner, Barreto was the company’s creative and strategy director, which in October last year announced the opening of an office in São Paulo.

According to information, the professional’s departure was amicable and occurred due to differences in relation to the next steps of the business. The clients, employees and partners have already been officially communicated and the agency will maintain the operation under the leadership of the other two founding partners, Guilherme and Dudu.

Fábio Barreto should disclose his new projects soon.

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