Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch encourage blood donation to NHS

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Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch encourage blood donation to NHS

Marvel Actors Call on People to ‘Be Heroes’ and Help Restore the British Health System’s Blood Supply

The NHS is counting on the help of Dr. Strange and the Scarlet Witch to encourage blood donation.

Actors Benedict Cumberbath and Elizabeth Olsen, who play Marvel’s heroes, star in the campaign video and invite people to “be the heroes of their own stories and that of others”.

In the video, the actors talk about the importance of donating and supplying the blood supply, which has suffered casualties due to the Coronavirus pandemic in the last two years.

“Blood donors choose to make a difference, just like Doctor Strange’s superheroes in the Multiverse of Madness. We want to show the public that they already have the power to save lives just by donating blood,” said Zeeshan Asghar, Head of Business Partnerships for NHS Blood and Transplant.

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