In Panini action, Richarlison makes a sudden with Caju and Castanha duo

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In Panini action, Richarlison makes a sudden with Caju and Castanha duo

The initiative promotes the release of the Premier League 2022 sticker album

Editora Panini invited the player Richarlison, known for playing tambourine in concentrations, for a performance at the launch of the new Premier League 2022 sticker album. In the action, the player interacts with the sudden players Caju and Castanha.

The athlete will also appear on his social networks with a 3-digit shirt on the back, corresponding to his sticker on the album. The piece will be the biggest prize for whoever wins the challenges proposed on the TorcidaPanini platform. The action is from iD\TBWA and was supported by the Máindi agency, responsible for Panini’s PR.

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