Anitta becomes a partner at Fazenda Futuro

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Anitta becomes a partner at Fazenda Futuro

The singer and businesswoman will have the role of helping in the democratization and growth of the category in the country

Fazenda do Futuro, foodtech focused on plant-based meat production, introduced its new partner: Anitta.

The singer will have the role of helping in the democratization and growth of the category in the country, in addition to influencing and educating consumers in this market.

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“The relationship with Anitta happened spontaneously. She represents a lot of who we are and we want to show that it is possible to eat what we like in a more conscious way”, said Marcos Leta, CEO and Founder of Fazenda Futuro.

With the arrival of the singer, Fazenda Futuro will boost product development and expand distribution to make its portfolio more accessible to Brazilians.

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