Launched by Lunetas, the objective is to convene adults to represent the interests and concerns of children at the polls.
Lunetas will launch the project “Children in focus: Who votes for children?”, an information hub on politics and childhood, next Monday (13).
The objective of the project is to call on adults to represent the interests and concerns of children at the polls, especially after the coronavirus pandemic.
The project features interviews with personalities such as Alok, Joyce Ribeiro and Cláudia Werneck, who spoke about the importance of including children’s interests and concerns when exercising the right to vote.
Among the more than 20 reports, content will be published covering everything from how adults can talk about politics with children to their views on the subject.
Through Twitter, Lunetas will carry out a “fact checking”, dedicated to issues that affect children and adolescents in Brazil, where information related to these audiences, shared by presidential candidates in their government plans, will be verified.
“The more aware we are of our responsibility in choosing candidates, the more rights we will guarantee to Brazilian children and adolescents, because a better world for them is a better world for all of us”, said Raquel de Paula, manager of Lunetas.
The project has the support of Greenpeace, Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS), Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra, Instituto Rodrigo Mendes, National Network for Early Childhood, Childhood, Reference Center for Integral Education, United Way, Escola de Gente, Fundação José Luiz Egydio Setúbal and the Alana Institute.