Kondzilla and Scotland Trilogy team up for Covid-19 vaccination

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Kondzilla and Scotland Trilogy team up for Covid-19 vaccination

The action came from a collaboration between Team Halo, a global initiative that is part of the UN Verified project, and TikTok.

Kondzilla and the boys from the Scotland Trilogy came together to release a new version of the song “Quebra de Ladinho E Faz O Coraçãozinho” in support of vaccination against Covid-19.

The lyrics were changed to “Show this little arm, make the little heart”, with the aim of bringing a message of awareness about the importance of completing the vaccination cycle.


#MostraEsseBracinho for the vaccine, guys! KondZilla has joined #HaloTeam and made this new version to encourage vaccination against COVID-19.

♬ I’m original – KondZilla

The action, which came from a collaboration between Team Halo, a global initiative that is part of the UN Verified project, and TikTok, seeks to encourage users of the platform to publish choreographies of the new version of the song, showing the arm ready to receive the immunizing agent. .


#MostraEsseBracinho for the vaccine, guys! people joined #HaloTeam and made this new version to encourage vaccination against COVID-19.

♬ original sound – DJ PEDRIN FROM SCOTLAND

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Inside TikTok, there will be a page where people can engage in different ways, such as participating in the challenge using the song #MostraEsseBracinho or doing a duet with the boys from Trilogia.

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