See the photos of the meeting of the Clube dos 100 Amigos

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See the photos of the meeting of the Clube dos 100 Amigos

This was the group’s second meeting of the year, which brings together generations of communication professionals

The Clube dos 100 Amigos met this Thursday (11) in a restaurant in Moema, south of So Paulo. This was the second meeting of the year the first took place in May.

With more than two decades of activities, the club is a brotherhood that unites generations of communication professionals, from agencies to vehicles; from commercial producers to other specialized service providers.

The group’s idea is to keep the memory of the advertising activity alive with bimonthly lunches always organized by a member.

Amigos 1
Armando Ferrentini, Alceu Gandini and Claudio Venncio
Amigos 2
Alfredo Luiz, Angelo Franzo, Claudio Venncio and Paulo Gregoracci
Amigos 5
De Simone (Lolo) and Angelo Franzo
Amigos 6
Orlando Marques and Edney Narchi
Amigos 7
Alfredo Luiz and De Simone
Amigos 8
Toninho Isidoro and Alfredo Luiz
Amigos 9
Ivan Marques and Orlando Marques
Amigos 10
Nelson Gomes, Hiran Castello Branco, Ilvaro Almeida and Paulo Chueiri
Amigos 11
Claudio Pereira and Nelson Gomes
Amigos 12
Enio Vergeiro and Alberto Niccoli
Amigos 12a
By Simone and Enio Vergeiro
Amigos 13
Toninho Isidoro and De Simone
Amigos 14
Antoninho Rossini and José Mauricio
Amigos 14a
Cicero Azevedo and José Alves
Amigos 15
De Simone, Caio Barsotti and Ferrentini
Amigos 16
Geraldo Leite and Renato Pereira
Amigos 17
Claudio Pereira, Nelson Gomes and Álvaro Almeida
Amigos 18
Paulo Chueiri, Luiz Casali and Percio Pisani
Amigos 19
De Simone, Jos Francisco, Salles Neto, Wagner Yoshihara e Ferrentini
Amigos 20
José Maurcio, Enio Vergeiro and Ferrentini
Amigos 21
Alfredo Luiz and De Simone
Amigos 22
Toninho Isidoro and Alfredo Luiz
Amigos 23
Alfredo Luiz and Luiz Casali
Amigos 24
Luiz Casali and Antoninho Rossini
Amigos 25
Barsotti and Oscar Matos
Amigos 28
Paulo0 Gregoracci and Toninho Isidoro
Amigos 29
Ferrentini, Luiz, Rafael Davini, De Simone and Jos Maurcio
Amigos 31
Davini, Venncio, Isidoro, Pereira and Marques
Amigos 32
Ferrentini, Isidoro, De Simone and Casali
Amigos 33
Pereira, Vencio and Leite
Amigos 34
Angelo Franzo and Davini
Amigos 35
Narchi, Barsotti and Pereira
Amigos 36 2
Nelson Gomes
FOT 6715
FOT 6666
FOT 6686

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