Meeting to take place from 18:30, and put five candidates back to the São Paulo Executive
This Saturday (17), starting at 6:30 pm, in the capital of São Paulo, another debate for the Government of So Paulo takes place. The meeting was made possible through a pool of communication vehicles, made up of SBT, VEJA magazine, O Estado de S.Paulo newspaper, radio NovaBrasil and the Terra portal.
Tomorrow’s debate will be Fernando Haddad (PT), Tarcsio de Freitas (Republicans), Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB), Elvis Cezar (PDT) and Vinicius Poit (Novo).
This will be the second meeting between the candidates for the São Paulo Executive this week. Last Tuesday (13), the candidates debated ideas in another pool, with TV Cultura, Folha de S.Paulo and UOL.
The first meeting between them took place on August 7, at Band.
(Photo credit: Carlos Kenobi on Unsplash)